
How Can I Increase My Metabolism?

  • February 9th, 2023

Everything you need to know about metabolism.

Have you ever wondered why you gain weight so quickly while your friend might have more meals than you but does not end up gaining any weight? This is due to the differences in the metabolisms. All chemical processes necessary to keep cells and an organism alive collectively are referred to as the metabolism. Metabolism is described as all the chemical processes necessary to keep cells and an organism alive.

What are the 3 Types of Metabolism?

1)    Endomorph Metabolism:

Endomorphs are distinguished by a shorter, stockier build or a softer, rounder body shape. Consider yourself an endomorph if you build muscle and/or fat readily yet find it difficult to remove fat. Due to their slow metabolism, endomorphs can easily put on weight (most of which is fat, not muscle).


Combining cardio and weight training can help minimize fat growth when it comes to fitness and training. You should consume fewer carbohydrates while eating more protein and fats if you're dieting. Supplements are typically not required if your diet contains an adequate amount of protein.

2)   Ectomorph Metabolism:

Ectomorph metabolisms are more common in small-framed and bony individuals. They frequently struggle to put on weight because they are naturally lean and slim. Due to their quick metabolism, they can burn calories more quickly than people with slower metabolisms. Ectomorphs typically require a high-calorie intake to gain weight.


Exercises for ectomorphs should focus on the large muscle groups. Make sure to include both aerobic and strength training, putting more emphasis on the latter. The best workouts typically focus on particular muscle groups rather than the entire body.


Diet has an important role in results, just like in any exercise regimen. Because they are high in calories and provide you with immediate energy to push through demanding workouts, starchy carbohydrates might be your best friend. Supplements can completely shift the game for ectomorphs because they need to consume so many calories. Eating before bed is also a good idea to stop muscle catabolism at night.

3)   Mesomorph Metabolism:

Mesomorph metabolism types typically have a rectangular-shaped body and a muscular build; they are also known as the athlete's body types. You should control your caloric intake because this type puts on fat more quickly than an ectomorph. In comparison to endomorphs, they also find it simpler to lose weight. This kind is regarded as the best for bodybuilding.

5 Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Maintaining a healthy metabolism is crucial for completing daily tasks. Though strength training and exercise are essential for increasing metabolic rates and maintaining weight loss, here are 5 ways to help boost your metabolism:

1)     Exercise:

Aim to burn more calories in less time by including interval training in your cardio regime. For example; run for a minute, then walk for two minutes. Do this for twenty to thirty minutes and repeat this sequence.

2)    Weight Train:

Your body can burn more calories at rest if you add muscle mass. Make sure the workout you select targets your entire body.


3)    Don’t Skip Meals (Especially Breakfast):

You must keep the furnace active, because when your food digests, it truly burns calories.

4)   Fat Burning Food:

Protein, hot peppers, and green tea are among the foods that have been shown to increase metabolism. In every meal, include some of these foods, particularly protein. Protein is particularly crucial since it requires more energy to digest than other diets and aids in the development of lean muscular tissue that burns fat.

5)    Get Good Sleep:

Studies have shown that lack of sleep affects activity in the brain’s frontal lobe, which may decrease your impulse control and decision-making ability.


Your fitness goals should be your primary focus, and you should start there. If your metabolism is slow, your top priority should be finding strategies to speed it up. The correct vitamins can help to boost your caloric intake if your metabolism is so quick that you aren't seeing the gains you need.