
Home Remedy: Tips To Treat A Seasonal Flu

  • February 9th, 2023

Being sick during the changing seasons is one of the most disappointing things to happen to someone. Everyone easily gets irritated by body aches, fever, chills, and nasal congestion as they surely can make you miserable.


There are numerous home remedies that can help in alleviating the symptoms of a flu and get you back to normal. Here are a few tips to help you through this unwelcomed phase.

Home Remedies to Cure Seasonal Flu:

1)    Chicken Soup:

Hot liquids help in reducing mucus build ups and keep you hydrated. Chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the unpleasant side-effects of a flu. Having a warm soup reduces the flow of neutrophils in your body. Neutrophils are a common subset of white blood cells. They aid in shielding your body from illnesses. They stay more focused on the areas of your body that require repair when they move gently.


Low-sodium soup is incredibly nourishing and helps you keep your fluid balance. It is a wise decision to have a steaming hot and delicious cup of soup during the flu.

2)    Vitamin C:

Vitamin C has a lot of benefits and plays a very important role in keeping your body healthy. Adding fresh lemon to your tea helps in reducing the phlegm when you're sick.

Drinking it may not clear up your throat completely but it can help get the Vitamin C that your immune system needs. It can also shorten the lifespan of a cold.

3)    Probiotics:

Probiotics or ‘friendly bacteria’ can be found in your body as well as in some foods and supplements.  Probiotics help in maintaining the health of your stomach and immune system. They may lower the risk of getting sick with an upper respiratory infection.


Probiotic yogurt is a tasty and healthy way to add the good bacteria to your diet. In addition to strengthening your immune system, yogurt is a nutritious snack that is rich in calcium and protein. Look for items with live bacteria listed on the label.

4)   Honey:

Honey has a variety of natural antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Adding honey to your tea can ease sore throat and help you feel relieved. Honey is an excellent cough suppressant but it should not be given to a child younger than 1 year as it contains botulinum spores. Though they are great for older children and adults, the infant’s immune system is unable to fight them.

5)    Ginger:

We now have scientific proof to support the fact that ginger has various health benefits that can help in curing a cold or fever. A sore throat or cough may be relieved by boiling some water with a few slices of raw ginger root. It also helps prevent the nausea that comes along with the flu.

6)    Garlic:

Garlic contains antimicrobial properties and allicin. Adding garlic as a supplement in your diet reduces the symptoms of severe cold. It might even help you avoid getting sick in the first place.

7)    Salt Water:

Upper respiratory infections can be prevented by gargling with salt water. Additionally, it might lessen the severity of cold symptoms. It relieves nasal congestion and painful throat discomfort.


Mucus, which contains bacteria and allergies, is reduced and loosened by gargling with salt water. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water if you want to try this remedy at home. Swish it around your mouth and throat. Finally, spit it out.

8)   Hot Water Bath:

Sometimes giving a child a warm sponge bath will help lower their temperature. Lesser cold and flu symptoms are reported by adults who take warm baths. Relieve body aches by adding baking soda or Epsom salt in the water. Tea tree, juniper, rosemary, thyme, orange, lavender, or eucalyptus essential oils, among others, may have a calming effect when added.


A steamy shower or sauna is a fantastic decongestant. One warning: Take a hot shower while sitting in a chair in the bathroom if you are feeling faint or dizzy from the flu.

9)    Vapor Rub:

Some traditional topical ointments, like vapor rub, may have an unpleasant smell, but they do reduce nighttime coughing. Children over the age of two can be treated with the help of vapor rub. Using just one or two applications before bed can help to clear air passages and enhance sleep while reducing coughing and congestion. Some doctors are advising parents not to give young children over-the-counter cold medications due to negative side effects, whereas vapor rub is becoming more popular.


In order to build up your immune system and stay healthy, you can take proactive measures like having a balanced diet, sleeping well, and exercising. Schedule a visit with your doctor if you still feel unwell after trying these home cures. If you have any serious symptoms like difficulty in breathing, rapid heartbeat, or dizziness, seek medical help immediately.